Saturday, September 10, 2011


So right now I'm on a couch watching Monsters, Inc. on a Saturday night. I don't really mind though; things have been so crazy for the past few weeks that any moment free is a moment to unwind. Writing the last few essays for my last trimester of this year, and collapsing in bed after a hectic night at the restaurant tends to drain even the most energetic of us.

University break starts next week, and I kick things off with visiting Mildura for a few days, before coming back to work until uni starts up again.

I have previously read Kiersten White's Paranormalcy (which I enjoyed quite tremendously!) and have as of today have acquired the sequel Supernaturally. Paranormalcy has been described as a cross between Men In Black and Buffy; I highly recommend it.

Talk about stunning book covers...

Do you have any books to recommend? I mean, any? Feel free to leave a comment.

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