Hello, me.
How you doin'?
Yeah, alright, I guess. You?
Ehhhhh. Don't really know. Lots of stuff. You know.
Yeah, I do know.
Okay then. Just wanted to say hey.
Alrighty. :P
So, yes. I worked for a couple of weeks, and that gave me a little someting to fill my pocket, at least temporarily. ot the complete boxed set of Friends, and also season one of Dexter, season four of Supernatural and . . . *drumroll, please* . . . A CHANCE TO GO TO THE SUPERNATURAL CONVENTION IN MAY.
Yes, I'm still a Supernatural fan - I've now fully made the leap from fandom to fangirl. It's pretty great. :D I'm mostly concentated on Castiel/Misha Collins . . . who will be at the convention. *fangirl faint*

Can't wait until May. Going down to Melbourne that weekend, and hopefully I can crash at my friend Mel's. Missed her soooooo much since moving away, and we haven't seen each other for about a year . . . seeing Mel and Misha Collins? Itll be the best weekend ever. :D