Monday, March 22, 2010

Warning: Do not read if you have a weak stomach. Just in case.

In spirit of the new blog and title, I thought I may as well blog about quite a weird catastrophe. May not seem like a big deal to the ordinary person, but this affects my life every now and then.

So you're sitting at a restaurant with some newly met people. You open the menu - so many choices! - and feel your stomach give this awkward lurch. Having no idea where this feeling comes from, you ignore it and happily pick something. You fill the in-between time with chatter, feeling perfectly fine.

And then . . .

. . . your plate arrives. And it looks great.

But all of a sudden, you feel like this. You can't ignore it any more. Waves of nausea.

You have to excuse yourself.

. . . well, maybe not you. More like . . . me.

I myself call it an "irrational fear of fine dining". It's been this way as long as I can remember. Actually, it's a lot better controlled nowadays, considering the days when I was 7- age and actually throwing up. I remember one particular birthday party . . . actually, I wish I didn't at all. It was THAT bad.

All I know is, these types of situations tend to trigger it. I have no idea why. It feels AWFUL. I feel more at home eating off my lap, watching TV.

That a reasonable catastophe?

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