Credit: Staffan Widstrand/imagebank.sweden.se |
So there's just about a month to go. I'm wondering how this last month will go, and I'm realising that I have been incredibly lucky to have such wonderful friends and family. So they will have a public thank you.
My friend Nicola deserves the first thanks. She was the person who was right there from the beginning. She saw me after my first information session; how amazed I was, and how much I wanted to do this. She gave me the final push to submit my application, encouraging me along the way. Thank you for giving me the courage to apply when I was so convinced I couldn't do it.
The next thanks go to my mother. I grew up curious and dreaming for something more in life, and she's always encouraged me to follow my dreams. We may not have agreed on things at times, but she's always supported me 100% no matter what I want. She was over the moon when I got accepted into my Media and Communication course at university - she didn't try pushing me into medicine or law, and that's something I will always be thankful for. She encouraged my creativity and my independence. Thank you. I love you.
My younger sister Alex deserves some mention; I hope you're happy for me. You have a few things to live up to! Don't be afraid to do your own thing. My adventures are mine, and you're entitled to have your own.
The next ones up are my aunty Lenya and Co.; you've encouraged me to open up and truly blossom. These past couple of years would not have been the same without you. You've encouraged me to actively live my life, and I'm becoming a badass woman who can learn to take calculated risks. Rob, you wrote me a glowing recommendation on my first application (one that nearly brought me to tears - and that's difficult to do) and it is my belief that I was accepted on this recommendation. You've taught me that I deserve the best for myself - and so do all of you.
My older brother and sister, Con and Fotoula. I'm so glad we've come back into contact and I love you guys. Not really having you around growing up has only helped me appreciate you more. I love our catch ups (mainly happening down Degraves Street), and your combined tales of travel only convince me more that our shared wanderlust is hereditary.
My friend Sam, you're definitely getting a mention. You've helped me through the rougher patches and kept me happy though the good ones. We met so many years ago and I'm glad we're still friends.
My friends; there's a few I want to mention. Juliana, you've been such an understanding person who's listened to all my problems. Jodie, I hope you're having a wonderful time in Japan. Faye and Genevieve, thanks for catch ups at Starbucks, and Melissa too.
And my uni friends! Kara, Kat, Sian and Nina; we all met last year and bonded over assignments, and terrible lectures (though we all met in an awesome one - Screen History!). Tuesday wedges and our antics and sarcasm are something I've really appreciated, even during that dreaded Screen Practitioners fail. Kat and Nina just got back from their two week study tour in the States; we're definitely all going to catch up before I leave.
There are a couple of new friends I want to thank too: both Alex's and Jack. You guys talked to me during a bad time in my life and I'm glad we're friends.