I can remember in grade one, I think we did a combination of Madeline with songs about the seasons. I could recall wanting to be a leaf; the costumes were something like 2Dish and looked something like this, and the choreography they were doing looked like much fun. Ungrateful little me; I was cast as one of the twelve girls (I know I definitely wasn't Madeline) and we pretty much re-enacted those repetitive bedroom scenes with Ms Clavel. Songs performed included "Surfin' USA" (Summer) and "California Dreamin'" (the latter, for our purposes, was edited for Autumn for some reason).
One in grade four I think was a competition or extravaganza of some sort; we had been studying The Wizard of Oz for music class and performed a few songs, among a few different acts from other schools. I was cast as a munchkin, I can remember wearing my flower girl dress from my mother's second wedding (which at the time had been two years previously; it was a tight but still passable fit) and we had the four main characters cast. We didn't have a yellow brick road, sadly, but us munchkins pretty much learned to part on cue and instruct the four to follow 'the yellow brick road', they would pass through the gap and then we all danced out after them as a closing to our act.