Thursday, August 12, 2010


Right now, nomming on these AMAZING white choc macadamia cookies from Coles. I just got home from school about an hour-or-so late working on my music video, and I am HUNGRY. In fact, I seem to be really hungry these days. No idea why. The other day I heated up this bowl of soup and ate it; five minutes later I'm nibbling at a blueberry muffin and then still looking for more food after that. It's enough to make me say WTH.

Maybe I've been so busy that I've lost weight in the process or something. Food tech folio,
media: music video/sac study, Lit, a HUGE sac coming real soon. English, only just finished a sac yesterday, and legal is CRAZY from the amount of information I have to get crammed in my brain. :P

I could use a latte with these cookies. :P

1 comment:

  1. I can relate, VCE must draining us more than we thought cause I get massive food cravings as well
