Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Rainbow striped socks.

When I had acquired rainbow striped socks like the above a few months ago, I was overjoyed. To own something so unusual and yet iconic as well as rare, is something in itself. Like Tim Burton style black and white striped socks.

Anyway, at one point I lost one of them in the wash. It had me thinking about the other one if it were personified. How would it feel? Being one half of a whole, with the other half being elusive and hard to find? How could it ever find someone else like it again? Would it feel incomplete?

At this thought I tore my room apart, trying to find this other sock to make the pair whole again. I found it on top on my wardrobe - have no idea how it got there - and put it with the other one, and oh happy day.

My point? We're all hunting for that lost sock, that other part of ourselves out there.

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