Wow. Gold Coast. It's like Vegas in paradise. Oh, wait, there was a shop by that name. My first real holiday. My first time on a plane. Gold Coast is just . . . WOW.
The plane ride going I was panicked. Very. The plane coming back was a LOT better.
A sad visual of today's world. Taken at Melbourne Airport.
- The Superman Escape ride at Movie World. OMG. FANTASTIC. A must. YOU MUST. WOW. I went on it twice. Read at the link if you want specifics. I APPROVE.
- Seeing a LOT of people drunk on Saturday night. They were funny.
- Melbourne Airport is GREAT. Endless shopping bliss.
- Waiting for queues for Wet 'n' Wild. Those queues were CRAZY. One of them I was in for half an hour!
- Our room. It was VERY nice.
- Passing the Clock Hotel when the clock struck. That turned heads.

And yeah. I think that's everything. Had a great time. Next stop, America. When I can get the money. :D
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