Thursday, December 30, 2010

Anonymous post.

I'm taking a cue from 667's Anonymous thread. Feel free to ignore this post. It's nothing, really.

  1. You're tacky and I hate you. No, I did not intend that as a School of Rock reference.
  2. Life is difficult. And I know that it all seems too much. But who do you think is going to be left with all that if you decide to throw in the towel? Exactly. It doesn't go away. It just transfers. Dealing with it is life.
  3. Maybe you want her, maybe you need her, maybe you had her, maybe you lost her to to another.
  4. I care too much. That's the problem. You're so far up my priority list and it took me practically forever to realise that I'm all the way down near the bottom on yours. Don't come running if you suddenly remember I exist. Maybe, maybe I'll give you the time of day, which is more that what you've ever done. I never want to see you again.
  5. I wish we talked more often. Your overall amazingness is awesome and blinds everyone. You're going to rule the iTunes countdown one day. Hope I see you soon (and live!). And that my lost package eventually arrives.
  6. Maybe?! If that's the case, maybe I won't bother.
  7. I love you. Can't wait to spend a week with you. See you soon.
  8. It was time for me to move on. I did enjoy writing loads but I'm no longer that angry teenager. I'm something entirely different now. Sorry. It was a great five years .Plus most of the great people left.
  9. You're so helpful and honest and fantastic. I hope you know that. Thank you. You've given me more than you know.
  10. Yes. I tend to be paranoid and get obsessed. Don't say you never knew that about me. It's not like you've never made those kinds of mistakes, because this is all I know. 
  11. Up until I was 25, I thought the only response to "I love you" was "Oh, crap".
  12. You mean well. But I'm not happy. Not really. You got off easy I reckon.
  13. Shut up. It's like having a crying and screaming baby. I'm getting migranes from you. Don't you roll your eyes at me.
  14. I miss you. It's a joy to read your blog. Your randomness inspires.
  15. We live too far away from each other. Hope to see you soon. Thanks for putting up with my fangirlism in May.

funny pictures - Yes...keep petting me...

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